Foundation Masterclasses

The EASTBIO Health group meeting (Stirling, 3 October 2022)

These training sessions are designed to provide the groundwork in bioscience methods and theory and are divided into 3 sets.

Set 1 Masterclasses are mandatory for all year 1 students and are worth 10 points each. They focus on core quantitative and computational skills. These are:

  • Statistics and Experimental Design (Beginner or Advanced)
  • AI and Machine Learning


Set 2 Masterclasses are optional for year 1 and year 2 students and are worth 10 points each. They focus on interdisciplinary working and include:

  • Primer for Mathematical Modelling
  • Introduction to Biology for Quantitative Scientists
  • Introduction to Biology for Chemists and Chemical Engineers
  • Introduction to Chemistry for Biologists


Set 3 Masterclasses are optional for year 1 and year 2 students and are worth 10 points each. They focus on foundation bioscience training and primers in transformative technologies. These are:

  • Good Enough Practices in Research Computing
  • Advanced Imaging
  • Primer for Advanced Omics Approaches
  • Cool Farm Tool
  • Mapping and Modelling Your Biological Pathway
  • Genomic Approaches
  • Primer for Synthetic Biology
  • Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry
  • Structural Biology and Crystallography