EASTBIO DTP Annual Symposium: Making an Impact (Aberdeen, 27-28 August 2013)

The programme for the EASTBIO Annual Symposium is viewable here. For the summaries of the talks scheduled, click here.

If you are an EASTBIO student, sign up here.

If you are an EASTBIO supervisor, sign up here.

Final deadline for signing up is Wednesday 21 August at 17:00.

Practical information about the Symposium can be found here.

Our warmest thanks to Anuj, Becky, Magali, Matt and Vrushali (cohort 2012 student representatives) for their brilliant ideas and the considerable time they've put into organising the symposium.

For any queries, please email the EASTBIO Administrator at Maria.Filippakopoulou@ed.ac.uk
