Planning Thematic Meetings

At Induction, with support from EASTBIO and the group’s Chair, each group decides on host teams of students and supervisors (to be leading each session); 4 focal topics; likely dates. Although there is considerable variety in the projects assigned to each area, groups are to try and agree on focus topics that are of interest to the majority of students and help them to expand their broader understanding of the stakes in conducting interdisciplinary, collaborative research. Sessions should primarily be run in-person but please consider hybrid provision to improve accessibility.

Before the meeting

Each session should have a nominated student-supervisor team who plan and facilitate the session with the support of the rest of the group; please ensure that there are at least 2/3 students helping in the organisation of the meeting.

Local administrators can provide support in booking rooms and ordering catering. You should contact them in the first instance, and costs can then be invoiced by the partner institution to EASTBIO. We will need a quote for the costs in advance.

EASTBIO provides up to £16 per delegate for catering and will try to cover additional travel expenses for any guest speakers but this must be approved in advance. Students are expected to cover their travel expenses where applicable through their RTSG.

Once a session is confirmed, please notify the EASTBIO team, providing details for the website and Newsletter including a summary and schedule - ideally 1 month in advance of the meeting. Organisers are responsible for confirming sign-ups and sending reminders so do stay in touch with your group during the planning stages. 

During the meeting

You should make sure to take attendance and circulate the feedback form here:

The day should be scheduled with plenty of breaks and please bear in mind accessibility requirements, consider circulating resources and slides in advance.

After the meeting

Circulate any resources and the feedback form to attendees; consider that any external guest may ask for feedback on their session.

Report attendance to EASTBIO.

We also suggest that each group produces a short digital resource that highlights the learning gained from the sessions (e.g., podcast, video, poster, animation) which can be used on the EASTBIO website and social media.